Saturday, January 10, 2015

We Got Your Back Chad

(Click the above link to Donate)


A lot has happened since Chad’s venture to New York to continue his fight against Cancer.  Once in New York, the doctors were discouraged with the loss of movement and control of Chad’s legs due to the tumor that was growing on his spine.  They wanted to try a procedure that had only been done 15 times before, and was considered new and experimental.  The procedure would involve supplying a very potent form of Chemotherapy directly into the tumor with the use of small catheters through the veins supplying the tumor.  Though the procedure went well, within 48 hours, Chad was rendered completely paralyzed from the waist down.  The tumor had continue to swell and grow, and was enveloping the spinal chord.  

They later discovered that no further procedures would be possible, and that the last resort was putting Chad on a Chemotherapy treatment that he would be on for the rest of his life.  

Adjusting to his new life being paralyzed has been a challenge.  He is no longer able to work, and the paralysis is starting to affect his arms as well.  

Recent scans showed that the cancer had now spread all throughout his spine, throughout his lungs, his hip, and throughout his body.  With no income, and with the increased medical costs, along with the costs of hospice, any donation is appreciated and needed.

We appreciate the donations that have been made, along with the prayers and outreach on everyones behalf.   

- JANUARY 2015-
On January12th, 2015, Chad Buckner is headed back to the Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital in New York for yet another fight with stage 4 Leiomyosarcoma.  It is a fight that he started on February 8th, 2009, and has been fighting ever since. (See the details below).

Chad's Cancer is so rare, that only about 2,000 cases are reported each year, and only 100 are found on the spine. 

At the end of 2014, and the start of the new year, we learned that Chad would have to go back to New York for more treatments.  We learned that the road ahead would be an unknown path, with additional Chemotherapy, Radiation, and possibly more operations.  Many people have asked how they can help out and what they can do, and although many of us would want to stand in his place, and take this from him personally, unfortunately that is not an option.

Many people have asked how they can help out and what they can do
​ for this amazing family.​
​ We are humbled by the many people that have responded to the Tee Shirt campaign and so grateful for all your support!  In doing that campaign, we've received even more requests to create yet another means that would allow others to donate even more.  We are overwhelmed with gratitude for what this means in generating additional funds where 100% will go directly to Chad and his family to offset expenses and help with all his time away from work in his ongoing battle.

Whether it is $1, or $100, we thank you in advance for your generosity.  (By clicking on the link at the top of the page, you will be directed to a Paypal account where 100% of the money will go to Chad and his family).

We also encourage you to leave some words for Chad.  We have also set up an email address where you can send a more personalized message for him and his family that will be presented to him along with the amount raised.  Please send your messages to  (EVEN IF YOU DON'T DONATE, PLEASE SEND IN AN ENCOURAGING EMAIL WHETHER YOU KNOW HIM OR NOT)



February 9th, 2009 - (Operation, Chemotherapy)

2009 February 8th, Chad was headed to the Huntsman Cancer Institute for a Spinal Fusion after being diagnosed with cancer, Leiomyosarcoma.

"I was diagnosed with cancer, Leiomyosarcoma. I underwent a surgery that removed 2 discs and a vertebrae. I had 8 screws, two cages and 2 rods implanted. I underwent neuro-rehab and 18 weeks of chemotherapy." - Chad Buckner -


May, 12th 2010 - (Operation)

We later found out that the Cancer had come back into his spine again, and another operation was needed:

"This morning was a routine 3 month checkup. I go in every 3 months for scans and tests to follow up on the cancer, just to make sure it doesn't spread.

I was feeling nervous just like I had for the previous follow-up visits. I new I was going to be fine. Getting ready for the day, I had the usual butterflies, the anxiety and the desire to get it over with. When we got to the Hunstman Cancer institute, we got the boys out of the car and headed in to the clinic. Sitting in the chair waiting for the Team of oncologists to come in and tell me that everything was alright, I had a different feeling, a fleeting thought of hold on to your hat! One of the Docs. opened the door and came in asking us how we were doing. We were fine, at least for now I thought we were fine. She asked me if I was feeling anything different. I said I was fine other than a slight twinge in my back, which I was told, visits in the past, was probably my body still adjusting to the drastic changes that had been made.

Well it turns out that the slight twinge was nothing more than the tumor making its new home in my T3 vertebrae. One vertebrae below the original tumor. With the News that the cancer had spread to another vertebrae and the thought of having to go through with everything all over again, I cried. I knew that what ever was going to happen, the Lord was going to be there to lift and strengthen us, like he did the first time. I still cried. I wanted so bad to hear good news, I wanted to be one of the success stories of having beaten cancer on the first try. Looks like I didn't get it right the first time." - 
Chad Buckner -

ROUND 2 - Continued

August 9, 2010 - Radiation

We found out that he would need to follow up the operation with some Radiation Therapy...

"I have made it through my first week of Radiation therapy. So far it has been a good experience. Compared to Chemo, this is much better. I am starting to feel a little irritation in my throat and I can tell I don't have as much energy through out the day as I am used to. The tumors I have had are in the very upper part of my back, the esophagus is near the spine where they are radiating so it does get minimal doses of radiation, causing a sort of sunburn and hence the irritation." Chad Buckner -


January 9, 2012 - 

We found out that despite Chemotherapy, 2 operations and Radiation, that the tumor had come back on to his spine...

"The surgeon said the tumor is to small for the risky surgery he would have to do. He would have to go through the chest and move ribs, lungs, heart, etc. That is not an option right now. The radiation doctor said the tumor is to close to the spinal cord and there is no way she could get it all so it would just grow back in 6 months and then radiation would not be an option again. She told him to go home and enjoy his quality of life while he could. Chemo didn't do anything to stop it the first time and doesn't have a good track record with sarcoma tumors so that is the last option." - Amy Buckner -

With the doctors telling him they had no where to proceed, he headed to the Sloan Kettering Hospital where the doctors said that they would proceed with a very POWERFUL round of Radiation.


December 2013

In the end of 2013 and through the beginning of 2014, the cancer was back, and required an additional surgery on the spine and found that the cancer had spread to his hip, qualifying this as Stage 4.  Since the doctors in Utah had no solutions, he had to continue the fight in New York...

"I underwent another surgery but this time they did focused Radiation during the surgery, something that has been pioneered by the amazing Doctors as Sloan Kettering. I truly believe that I  am blessed to have the best Doctors in the world to help me fight my fight."  - Chad Buckner -


End of 2014 - Early 2015

Chad's cancer has taken a turn for the worse.  It has now spread to his hip, shoulder, lymph node, lung, and it came back in his back.  After waiting for several months for the insurance to approve additional treatments, his back has gotten worse and it is affecting his lower body, his arms and hands and has required him to rely on a cane.  

"A year later and after much recovery we discovered that the Cancer had metastasized all over. I underwent Microwave ablation to my right lung and right hip, (after fighting with the insurance on the coverage of this procedure for about 4-5 months, the finally approved it, what a joke). Now they have found a new tumor on my C6 vertebrae and also found swelling on my spinal cord.
The effects of this have been very noticeable. My legs are losing strength, I am walking with a cane so I don't fall on my face and the pain has increased dramatically. I am experiencing tingling throughout my lower body and some numbing in my right thumb." - 
Chad Buckner -

A Brother's Message...

My brother is my hero.  He taught me how to climb, and fixed everything that I could not fix.  If you look at all of his pictures, you will see a smile on his face in each one. It has been so hard seeing him no longer able to do the things that he loves to do.  He is the guy who can fix anything, and never gives up, and in my eyes has always been the guy who could do anything.  There is no kinder, gentler, and a more Christ-like man that I know of.  I watched him growing up, when he was bullied, or treated unkind, always maintain a loving heart as he would turn the other cheek, and let it roll off his back.  Regardless if he can no longer climb, or build a truck and take it rock crawling, for me, he will always remain "that guy", and I will always look up to my older brother...

We want to thank you for your prayers, for your donations to Chad's family, and for those who don't know him, and for those who love him dearly and have wanted to assist... We will forever be grateful!

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